Saturday, 5 December 2015


Blog #16 Dec 5/15  

Well I do believe I missed Nov entirely! It was a very busy month from start to finish. The most exciting part was our “Roycan Fall Energy Healing Workshop”. This workshop is working with our horses in our Equine Personal Wellness Programs.

Most of us would agree that owing any type of animal does give you to some degree enjoyment, pride, comfort and love. From a very young child I had this connection with horses. We didn’t have fancy expensive horses. Two of them were work horses that dad used to clean out the barn with and move hay. But one summer he came home with a quarter horse gelding. Just my size and really trained well. He loved moving cattle and if I didn’t hang on while he herded then I was on the ground. I remember one time the bull wouldn’t get moving and the gelding decided it was his job to get him going. I’m not sure who was more determined the bull or the gelding. I was just there for the ride and hanging on. Needless to say the gelding won!

Through the years I have seen amazing connections between horse’s and their owners. Sometimes it’s like watching a dance.

Recently our grandkids have started to take an interest in our horses. They have no fear. But to stand back and watch the connection and bond they have with each horse tells a story all in itself.

Horses mirror the emotions of people. They feel your moods, your energy. They comfort when you need love and a hug. They are amazing listeners.

In the last 10 years we have worked hard to create our Equine Personal Wellness Programs. We’ve seen and experienced some amazing healing with our clients emotionally. The biggest thing we learned was to get rid of our “Ego” and allow the horses to be the therapist and healers.

In our fall workshop we witnessed that during the day. Those that could let their ego’s disappear had some incredible stories to tell afterwards. Their personal relationship with the horses will never be forgotten.

I invite you to visit our website we have numerous workshops planned for 2016 and limited spaces.   

Enjoy your Christmas Season.

Candice Kontzie


Thursday, 29 October 2015


Blog #15    Oct 29/15 

Not sure where this month has gone! Each day is filled with schedules, creating memories, self-care and of course spending time outside.

In the last two weeks there’s been a lot of changes both with our government and our personal life.  Changes either makes you “Happy, Sad, Anxious or Fearful”. The key to change is that we are totally in control of how “Change” affects us.

We’ve all done it at sometime in our life and allowed the negative feelings to surface and control how we deal with change. I must admit I allowed “FEAR” to control a lot of my situations in the past.  But here’s what I learned.

First of all I needed to realize I wasn’t in control but I was in control of my feelings and actions. Life throws situations in our way. Good and Bad. I totally believe that there’s a High Power that is much smarter than me and has the bigger picture.

2nd I needed to understand that when situations arise I needed to take care of myself first so I was healthy enough to help others. I needed to be aware of my energy levels and not stay in the extreme high mode for long.

3rd I needed to always stay close to nature and take moments to just stop and appreciate what was right around me.

4th I needed to listen to what my inner wisdom was trying to communicate to me. Sometimes that’s the hard one. But I’ve learned even in difficult situations to listen to what some people would call their gut feeling. It has never lead me down the wrong path.

5th I also realized that even in bad situations there was always something positive that came out of it. Even if it was just a hug from someone.

6th I also realized I will face “Fear” again,  again but I now know I have the tools to deal with the “Fear”  

So take a moment and look at the "Changes" you are facing in your life. Then see whether "Fear" is a part of that "Change".  Then visualize how it looks without that “Fear”.  Then see if you can move forward in more positive energy.

Enjoy the rest of your day.


Tuesday, 13 October 2015


Blog #14 Oct 13/15

“To Judge meaning: To determine or declare after consideration or deliberation”

I was actually surprised with the defn on “To Judge”. How many times are we judging people or things? Do we actually “declare after consideration or deliberation”?

This past weekend after celebrating “Thanksgiving” I started looking at the various media reports on Facebook, Tweeter, newspaper etc... I think we’ve allowed “To Judge” as part of our normal life and don’t realize that “To Judge” in a negative way creates a major ripple effect on other people’s lives which can be very hurtful.

As a read some of the comments on various topics I asked myself did these people just make a comment so they could see it on a public forum or did they really intentionally want to hurt many people?

What if instead we had more comments on topics that were positive? What would happen with the energy and attitudes of people?

I’m just throwing out thoughts hoping to maybe get people to think before reacting.

This weekend as we sat around sharing and creating memories with our families a family from my hometown where I grew up lost their 20 yr old daughter in a car accident. As I read some of the comments from people posting on some of the newspapers which were “Judging”,  I wondered again whether they thought about the family and friends of the 20 yr old girl, or about the RCMP and EMT’s which were involved or how about the family and friends of the second driver who’s in hospital and has a long road ahead of him.

As I said before when we JUDGE others or things we create a ripple effect. Making comments publicly on media is pretty safe because it’s not in person but it does make a difference to others.

So for this week how about we all stop and think before we push the “POST” or “SEND” button and make sure we’re creating more “POSITIVE’ ripple effects in people’s lives.

For this week I wish for all of you good energy, time spent with family and friends creating amazing memories and for you to enjoy each moment of your day.


Thursday, 8 October 2015


Blog #13 Oct 8/15  

We are just a few days away from the Canadian Thanksgiving Celebration.

I was thinking this morning aren’t we an interesting group of people that we have lots of holidays to celebration various events.

Can you imagine what would happen if every day we actually took time to be Thankful and Grateful for something in our lives. Let’s say you started each waking moment with that thought. Would your attitude throughout the day be better? Would you greet your family, friends, co-workers and strangers with a happier “Good Morning!”

Each moment when I walk into my office I have a sign that says “How Much Better Can it Get!”.  Just saying those words no matter how I’m feeling or what is happening in my life, it makes me take a moment to realize I’m very grateful.

What are you Thankful for this Thanksgiving?

I’m Thankful for:
-the journey I’m having in life

-the amazing husband that has been with me on our crazy journey of ups and downs (Celebrating 35 years this month!!)

-the children that we had, and their spouses and the wonderful grandkids they have giving me. (Proud Grandma!!)

-all the rough times, because it made me who I am today and it’s allowed me to share and help others in their journey

-all the individuals that I’ve met along the way. What a journey it’s been and will continue to be.

-the incredible learning and experiencing of my spirituality and healing energy

May you take the opportunity each day to be Thankful for all that is and will be.

Happy Thanksgiving.


Thursday, 24 September 2015


Blog #11  Sept 24/15

How’s your September going??  This month has been a major journey of learning and expanding where I’m going. The people that have come into my life through this journey are just amazing and I’m so blessed.

The other day I had the opportunity to watch a webinar of Eric Worre of GoPro he was featuring Jim Rohn and his work. So I’m going to use today’s Blog to share Jim’s wisdom from an article posted on the internet.
10 Unforgettable Quotes by Jim Rohn
The late personal development legend’s words still ring true with his millions of fans.
September 16, 2014
Editor’s note: In celebration of what would have been Jim Rohn’s 85th birthday on Sept. 17, we’ve pulled this collection of quotes from the archive.
When personal development legend Jim Rohn passed away in 2009, he left an incredible gift: his encouraging, uplifting messages and inspiring, thought-provoking quotes, beloved by millions and shared throughout the world to this day. 
SUCCESS celebrates and remembers the life of Jim Rohn with 10 of his most beloved quotes:
1. “Don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom.”
2. “The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not a bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly.”
3. “We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.”
4. “Days are expensive. When you spend a day you have one less day to spend. So make sure you spend each one wisely.”
5. “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”
6. “If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.”
7. “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”
8. “Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day.”
9. “Don’t join an easy crowd; you won’t grow. Go where the expectations and the demands to perform are high.”
10. “Learn how to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want.”
***Thank you to all the Leaders out there that continue to learn and share Jim’s wisdom.
Enjoy the rest of your week.


Wednesday, 16 September 2015


Blog #11 Sept 16/15

Last night I listened to a webinar of “Gloria Mayfield Banks”. We met Gloria at “The Most Powerful Women in Network Marketing Conference” in Las Vegas in August/15. What an amazing speaker and business woman.

In the webinar she talked about “Getting out of your Comfort Zone!”.  I think there’s a lot of us out there that enjoy staying IN the Comfort Zone!. One of her statements was
“Once you are “Comfortable” you are experiencing NO GROWTH, NO PASSION.

Today as you start your day think about your routine. Is it the same thing every day? Is there ways you can change it up a bit?

We’re heading into a new season so here’s an opportunity to get out of your “Comfort Zone”.  Here’s some suggestions to change your routine:

-Get up earlier instead of sleeping in
-Start your day by thinking “How much better can it get!”
-Take time for breakfast
-Take a course or workshop that you’ve always wanted to do
-Change your thought process to “Positive”
-Give someone a positive compliment today
-Take time to read a bedtime story to your kids.
-Give yourself the time to “DREAM”

We all get stuck sometimes and a lot of times it’s due to “FEAR” or “Zero Creativity”. So today is your first step. Take it, move forward and create Growth and Passion in your life. 

You are so worth it!!


Wednesday, 9 September 2015


Blog #10  Sept 9/15

I’m not sure at some point in each of our lives that we haven’t worried about “Financial Stress”.

Recently I’ve been re-reading some of Dr. Wayne Dryer’s books. Sometimes you need to read a book a few times to really get all the messages that are directed to you.

He talks a lot about our “thoughts” and “Law of Attraction”. “Affirmations are wonderful, but we would make sure that we are feeling really good when we affirm, because the Universe does not hear what you say; the Universe hears what you mean.”

In other words instead of saying “I want to have NO Financial Stress.” Visualize yourself in the position where you have secure finances. Change your emotions so your stomach isn’t turning due to worry and imagine moving forward in life with financial security. Then take action. Dreaming creates positive thoughts and attracts positive outcomes.

So here’s an exercise we were told at one of the conferences. Take a notebook and write down how you would spend $10000. Then the next week $20000 and continue until you reach $500,000. It’s a very interesting exercise because it makes you stop and really think about your future and the direction you want to go.

My husband once said to me “You have BIG Dreams!” I said “Yes I do! What would be the point of having small dreams!”

Decide what you want to attract in your life. “Law of Attraction” Then enjoy the journey. . .

HERE’s MY DREAM. I see it, I feel it, It’s here. 

(Only a Horsewoman could get excited over a horse trailer! haha)

Tuesday, 1 September 2015


Blog #9 Sept 1, 2015

Is it just me or as you get older does the time go faster??

The week after being in Cleveland, Ohio for the Shaklee Conference two ladies and myself flew out to Las Vegas for “The Most Powerful Women in Network Marketing” Conference. Can you imagine 1600 women in one room! Keynote speakers were all women in the Network Marketing Business. Talk about positive energy in a room.

Nobody was messing around with these women! Ages range from mid-twenties and up.
There was a lot of learning in a very short period of time. We all said we were different people when we left. We stood taller, honored and respected ourselves as women. We are on a mission! The mission is caring about ourselves and others. Reaching out to people that want to live healthier lives and be happier in their life’s journey.

What if you woke up in the morning and your first thought was


Would those words make a difference in the direction your day went? Would you face the day with a more positive attitude vers a negative attitude?

Believe it or not it DOES make a difference. Time goes fast regardless of what we do but wouldn’t it be better to spend that time moving forward, embracing life through all its ups and downs. Knowing that a new day will come and we can keep moving forward.

Regardless of what is happening in your life, take one week and each morning before you get out of bed say “HOW MUCH BETTER CAN IT GET!” and mean it. Then see how you feel after a week.

“What we think determines what happens to us, so if we want to change our lives, we need to stretch our minds. “ Dr. Wayne Dryer

"The Most Powerful Women in Network Marketing"
Patti Tweed, Liz Karchut, Candice Kontzie

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Where's your HAPPY FACE?

Blog 8 August 18, 2015

We just came back from a huge Shaklee Conference in Cleveland, Ohio and we had the pleasure of hearing Shawn Achor speak.  He’s the author of the international bestseller, The Happiness Advantage. Shawn’s has become the world’s leading expert on the connection between happiness and success.

Now here’s the thing after hearing him speak you came away feeling happy and energized. Too often we allow negative energy to control our lives. We are the ones responsible on whether we start the day with a positive attitude or negative. We spend sometimes too much time blaming others.

With over 4000 people in the auditorium he had us turn around and pick someone to partner with. The exercise was for both people to have direct eye contact with each other and one person show no emotion and the other person smiles. 

Try that! Do you know how hard it was for me to stay neutral when someone was smiling at me. Needless to say I started laughing.

But here’s the point if we chose to be happy and greet people with a happy positive attitude, can you imagine the positive energy! Can you imagine the amount of work that would get done in a day with that energy.

My goal for the rest of the week was to greet everyone getting into the elevator at our hotel with a happy “Good Morning”. The reaction was actually kind of funny. But I felt GREAT!

So here’s your assignment go out and greet the next person you see with a “Good Morning” or “Good Afternoon”. Be Happy! You deserve it! We all do!

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Life Patterns

Blog #7 August 5, 2015

Have you ever felt you are going round and round in a circle? That maybe the same “Pattern” is repeating over and over again?

How many times do you say to yourself “I don’t have enough money”; “I hate my job”;
 “I never get a break”; “I’m so stressed”……

Sound familiar? After awhile it becomes a pattern, one that you can either choose to continue with or make some changes.

How do you break the pattern?
1st   Identify what your pattern is in your life. Look at where you are now and how you got there.
2nd  Once you identify the negative pattern start brain storming for options. Write down a list of options, don’t keep it in your head. Then look at your options and see which one feels right. 
3rd  Decide on your action put it out to the universe and move forward.
4th   Throw away the negative attitude that it won’t work.  
5th  Listen to your Inner Wisdom for Guidance
6th Understand who you are, so you know where you are going.

**Another way to find out some of your past-life patterns you might want to consider a session of  SomatoEmotional Release or Hypnotherapy. Both of these types of sessions can identify possible patterns in your life and past-life.

Till next time


Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Reacting to Energy Healing

Blog #6  July 29, 2015

You cannot do energy work nor take energy classes without it affecting your own health and you certainly cannot help others if you’re not prepared to help yourself.

I talk a lot about our body “SHIFTING”. That’s basically your body trying to release and re-balance itself. During the first years of establishing our business my body went through some major shifts. I remember finishing for the day with clients in the arena (Equine Personal Wellness Programs) and heading for the house. By the time I got there hubby had a blanket warming in the dryer and supper ready. I'd head for the couch and wrap myself in the warm blanket and then the chills and shakes would come. I’d eat supper, go to sleep for an hour, go shower to warm up and go to bed. Then turn around the next day and do it all over again.

I learned through the training how taking in other people’s emotions had been hurting me. I was fighting hard to protect myself but also realizing that I still had a lot of stuff attached to my body. With every personal energy healing treatment that I received another layer would come off. The practitioners would say to me a 72 hr shifting period was going to happen. You could set your watch to the 72 hr mark because that’s when I’d end up in bed wrapped in blankets.

When I started taking the Upledger courses with CranioSacral Therapy that was another entirely different level of energy work. I remember just about being sick before entering the first class because I really wasn’t sure what I’d got myself into.

I had discovered if my body was shifting by shaking (usually my hand would go) I could put my hand in cold water and the shifting would stop.  So at my first level of CST after many treatments my body started to shift. I quickly had someone get me ice water to shut down the shifting. I felt at the time embarrassed that my body would not behave itself but also knowing that at least the water treatment worked.

When I took my 2nd level and started to shift and asked for water my instructor said “NO WAY!” I wasn’t impressed but she actually did me a favor. She said there are four of us with you and you need to experience a total release and let go of the control. That was a huge step for me!! But I did it and what an amazing experience and life changing moment. Thank you!!!

With every new tool learned the journey has continued and more amazing insights have developed.  My body has released many layers, the shifting now energizes me and I respect and try to listen to what my body needs.

We spend so much of our day "doing" instead of "listening". Maybe take a moment today and "Listen" to what your body needs to be healthy. 

More information on our website  regarding treatments.

You so deserve to be “Healthy”! Just take the next step.

Stay tuned for more of the journey.


Thursday, 23 July 2015

Experiencing Energy Work

Blog 5 July 23, 2015

Though the various Energy Healing Workshops I really thought I was taking the courses so I could help our horses. But most of the training involved first learning on humans and then getting special advanced training for the horses.

When we created the Equine Wellness Programs something became very obviously if I could help the horses with their health why wouldn’t I want to do that for our clients.

The next course I took was Bodytalk Access. This was a course where it seemed everyone learned how to tap their head and breath. My left brain kept kicking in and saying this is crazy! I knew that in order to really understand and commit to energy work there had to be some science behind it and I had to prove it to myself. After each course I asked for volunteers to have private sessions with me so I could practice my new skills.

Here’s where it got interesting. I had 8 people that had treatments with me on the methods learned in Bodytalk Access and I kept a record of their health before and after treatments. Through a 4 week period clients told me their digestive system was much improved, headaches were gone, sleep patterns had improved, energy had improved and they felt lighter in their moods.

 Well there comes a time where you either believe or move on. It’s one thing to experience some healing energy yourself but when you have a group of people that are telling you individually what is happening to their body that’s when the wake-up call comes.

There are a lot of doubts that go through your mind. One of them is that people will think you are crazy if you tell them about what you’ve see or felt and then how do you explain what the treatment has done for you. We spent the first few years quietly doing the energy work with the horses. But after you see amazing results with the horses and people you have to finally take a stand with your beliefs.

If someone had told me I’d be writing a blog 10 years ago I would have told them they were crazy!! I’m proud of what we’ve done in the last 10 years. I’m proud of the people we have helped both in their health and grieving process. Would I change anything? Probably not! The learning has been amazing and does continue to happen. Each day is another experience.

I’m heading into the 6th Blog.  There is still so much more to tell.

Stay tuned


Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Equine Personal Wellness Programs

Blog #4  July 14, 2015

Have you heard of our “Equine Personal Wellness Programs?” When we first started to create Roycan’s Country Haven I wanted to combine my Human Resource training with horses. Instead of teaching in boardrooms I wanted to somehow move that format to the arena with the horses. I started doing a lot of research and found other programs out there but nothing that seemed to totally fit with where I wanted to do.

I’d been a horse lover all my life. My dad brought me my first horse. Through the energy work I realized I felt things with the horses that most people didn’t. I’d seen how they could mirror your emotions and calm you down when your world was falling apart.

I started creating a format for working with clients using the horses.  Then I invited various business people to come out and experience a workshop and afterwards give me their honest feedback. From there the program began. I started slowly with just a few clients and then I had a Clinical Therapist who wanted to have sessions.  The end result was we formed a partnership and created group workshops using both of our talents.

 I trained our staff to understand the energy fields of the horses and how to clear the horses after they had taken in client’s emotions. Horses will naturally release people’s emotions by running in the field and rolling.  When you are in a workshop it’s hard for them to freely release when they are suppose to be working.

Through the use of the pendulum training our staff was able to keep the horse’s energy meridians open and allow them to release the emotional vibrations that they were taking in. Our staff was always aware when the horses had their fill of emotions and needed to be taking out of the sessions and relax.

These workshops are amazing to be a part of and witness the healing process. Sometimes it isn’t easy but here’s “WHY WE DO IT!”

-I witnessed kids leaning into the horses and letting them take their pain. THAT’S “Why we do it!”

-I witnessed a little girl blowing air into our 16.2HH horse’s face so he will connect with her and remember her. THAT’S “Why we do it!”

-I witnessed a little girl that asks if she can spend time with just me with the horses. Her relief and gentle smile when I said yes. THAT’s “Why we do it!”

-I witnessed a mom hugging the big black morgan stallion and allowing the tears to come. She was saying her goodbyes knowing her time on earth was fading but during that moment was allowed to feel some release of the pain. THAT’s “Why we do it!”.

- I saw individuals going through the grief labyrinth walking side by side with the spirit horse and allowing the horse to reach out and comfort them on their journey. THAT’s “Why we do it!”.

-I’ve seen a child that never smiles and hasn’t experiences any joy, finally smile at the horse and reach out for that connection with the horse. THAT’s “Why we do it!”

-I’ve seen client’s who have returned from war with all their emotions tied up in knots finally release those emotions with their first touch of the horse. THAT’s “Why we do it!”

-I’ve witness a grieving wife approach the horse and see the horse just put his head into her chest and allowing her to grieve the tears away. THAT’s “Why we do it!”

-I’ve witness our stallion screaming for my dad to come to him because he wanted to share and comfort him because he had just been told he had cancer. THAT’s “Why we do it!”

-I’ve seen parents who have lost their child, reach out to the horse for comfort and finally be able to release some of the pain in order to slowly move on to another day. THAT’s “Why we do it!”

- I witnessed the kids saying goodbye and giving hugs and asking to return (the next day!!). THAT’s “Why we do it!”

Are we tired? Yes      Do we feel overwhelmed? Yes     
Are we reaching out to others? YES
Is it worth it?  YES YES YES……..   

If you are searching for some new experiences check out our Equine Personal Wellness Programs. Everything is done on the ground no riding.

 Stay tuned.  Till next time.


Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Learning Energy Work

Blog July 7/15

So I’m assuming your “FEAR” has not totally disappeared? It does take time. After a few more sessions with other Energy Healing Practitioners I decided to get brave and start taking some courses. The very first one I took was Acupressure and pendulum work. At the time I figured it was pretty safe to learn all these new skills and practice on our horses. Ok that statement alone did come back and bite me! My instructor was someone who came out to our facility and spent 10 days with me.

When he first showed me my pendulum and how he could make it spin and show yes and no’s, I thought ok this is pretty cool.  Then he gave it to me and NOTHING! I mean that pendulum didn’t even move! Then he takes it back and “Clears it”. Wasn’t sure what that meant at the time but when he gave it back to me the pendulum very, very slowly started to move. Then bang instant HEADACHE! I let go of the pendulum and headache stops IMMEDIATELY. 

Of course my left brain thought it would be a good idea to pick it up again! Bang HEADACHE. So I looked at him and he’s laughing and said you have a lot of “CRAP” in you. I wasn’t finding this too funny. But he talks about my energy field and teaches me to create the field around me of protection. Guess what happens the headache goes and the pendulum starts to spin!

We ventured out of the barn to start learning about acupressure points in the horses. Now by this time I’m starting to take this whole energy thing a bit more serious because I don’t appreciate feeling pain myself.  I have a gelding that was very connected to me. We actually felt each other’s pain. I know that sounds crazy but there’s numerous people that are witnesses to it. The instructor started teaching me the various acupressure points and meridians on the horse. When I tried to release the points I felt everything from chest pain, to chills, to headache and even wanting to pass out. Not a fun experience!!! Then he taught me how to ground myself, BREATH through the energy and it was amazing how the pain went away. During this process you have a 1200 lb animal making weird faces, passing gas, getting very sleepy and sometimes wanting to just lie down. The horse would actually point to a spot and sure enough the acupressure point was blocked.

It was an amazing experience!! By the 10th day I was mentally and physically exhausted. But there was one more lesson. The last night I was so tired if you had asked me my name I couldn’t have told you. I finally went to bed but around midnight I woke up and just wanted to cry and I mean cry. I had no idea why. It just felt I needed to get a lot of crap out. The next morning needless to say I looked like a train wreck and I sheepishly told my instructor what had happened. He stood there and laughed when I told him. Then he said “It took you long enough!!” Not understanding what he meant I must admit I was a little pissed!

Then he explained we all take in emotions from other people and situations and I certainly had not been protecting myself. So I had a lot!! Those emotions or what is called emotional cysts have to be released at some point in order for your body to be healthy.

When the energy field is tight to your body, those emotions just keep piling up all over your body. Crying is just one way to release the emotional cysts. Through future training I learned that emotional cysts actually have a vibration and if not addressed can cause major health problems both mentally and physically.

It was all such a learning curve and it continued to be quite a journey with the horses. But it was only the beginning….

How much protection do you have around yourself? Can you walk into a room feeling really good and then the people in the room who are all in a bad mood, just suck you dry?  You come out of the room feeling really bad or depressed.
If you can relate then you are not protecting yourself and putting up a shield.

Stay tuned. Till next time.
