Thursday, 23 July 2015

Experiencing Energy Work

Blog 5 July 23, 2015

Though the various Energy Healing Workshops I really thought I was taking the courses so I could help our horses. But most of the training involved first learning on humans and then getting special advanced training for the horses.

When we created the Equine Wellness Programs something became very obviously if I could help the horses with their health why wouldn’t I want to do that for our clients.

The next course I took was Bodytalk Access. This was a course where it seemed everyone learned how to tap their head and breath. My left brain kept kicking in and saying this is crazy! I knew that in order to really understand and commit to energy work there had to be some science behind it and I had to prove it to myself. After each course I asked for volunteers to have private sessions with me so I could practice my new skills.

Here’s where it got interesting. I had 8 people that had treatments with me on the methods learned in Bodytalk Access and I kept a record of their health before and after treatments. Through a 4 week period clients told me their digestive system was much improved, headaches were gone, sleep patterns had improved, energy had improved and they felt lighter in their moods.

 Well there comes a time where you either believe or move on. It’s one thing to experience some healing energy yourself but when you have a group of people that are telling you individually what is happening to their body that’s when the wake-up call comes.

There are a lot of doubts that go through your mind. One of them is that people will think you are crazy if you tell them about what you’ve see or felt and then how do you explain what the treatment has done for you. We spent the first few years quietly doing the energy work with the horses. But after you see amazing results with the horses and people you have to finally take a stand with your beliefs.

If someone had told me I’d be writing a blog 10 years ago I would have told them they were crazy!! I’m proud of what we’ve done in the last 10 years. I’m proud of the people we have helped both in their health and grieving process. Would I change anything? Probably not! The learning has been amazing and does continue to happen. Each day is another experience.

I’m heading into the 6th Blog.  There is still so much more to tell.

Stay tuned


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