Blog #2 June 26/15
Alright so I’ve explained the Energy Field and hopefully
that has helped some of you.
“FEAR” of learning and understanding new ideas, theories,
methods can sometimes be very difficult. “FEAR” is probably our worst enemy and
most destructive in relationship to our health and well being.
Have you heard of “Reiki”? Well when my good friend many
years ago decided to introduce me to energy healing she came up with the idea
that a “Reiki” treatment would be a good start. Now she’d already dragged me to
a “Medium Reader” and a “Medicine Man”. She thought I needed to bring down the
walls and understand energy! Trust me when I tell you those tall walls created
a safe environment and allowed me to be in control. Or so I thought!
When we walked into the Reiki treatment I told the
practitioner my friend was staying in the room because that was the only way I
was going to relax! (Knowing also my friend could get me out of there if things
got crazy!!!) Needless to say the practitioner mentioned I had a problem with
The practitioner started by reading the “Tarot
Cards”. I thought ok this was cute but
then she started saying things that did relate to me. That started the old
brain turning. Then I was told to just relax on the massage table. Breath deeply, relax and close my eyes. REALLY that was going to happen!!
I really did
try and somewhere along the line I must have because soon the session was
over. Now the interesting thing and what
kind of blew my mind was I asked her what she had put in my ears because it
felt like warm stuff was coming out and that when she touched my feet they had
become really hot. She said she had done nothing! That she hadn’t even touched
Ok, see this is where the “LEFT BRAIN” engages. “This is
just weird!”
My body felt different. I was more relaxed and actually
energized. I knew this was something I wanted to explore more but the “FEAR”
was so strong. I had A LOT of LAYERS of FEAR.
Fast forward to now and my friend and I still laugh at
that session and then talk about how far I’ve come. Releasing the FEAR and it
took awhile, has allowed me to really enjoy life and to experience things I
would have otherwise missed.
So my question to you is:
you ready to take the first step of letting go of your “FEAR”?
will it take to chip away some of your “FEAR”?
you know what your “FEAR” is all about?
**Spend some time and figure out what your “FEAR”
is and then write it down. Next time I’ll tell you how to deal with some of
your fear.
Life is just an incredible journey and it’s so much more
fun without the “FEAR”.
Enjoy your Day.